Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to Shibat

Today I would like to make a toast to one of my most favorite people in the whole world. 
Happy Birthday!
I'd give you both of my kidneys if you needed them, dear Shibat. 

Shibat was an activist during the civil rights movement in Los Angeles. Sometimes I feel like I was there because his stories are so vivid. Isn't that what the generations are supposed to do - pass on history? He started a community organization with a friend of his that has helped generations of youth get involved with the community (and stay off of drugs and out of trouble).

He now works as a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and natural healer in Los Angeles. He's the best at what he does, because he never stops learning. He has been a great mentor to me, and I am honored to know him.

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