Hello, welcome to i102fly
You'll tell from my stockhouse here (and at i102fly.com) that there's a lot of diversity in the art and content. I wish that I could say this site has one consistent subject matter, but this is the reality of my interests and person. It is both my strength and weakness - I know this leaves the blog with no pure direction, but for now, so it is.
Some of the things that I am interested in/like:
art, painting, drawing, reportage
alternative medicine/folk medicines
maps (mostly antique) & geography
rock climbing
Russian classics
art therapy; teaching art/ working with children
batik, wood block printing
Cambodian history and culture
Khmer script
all languages & etymologies
traveling, spending a long time in each place
music, folk, 60s and 70s rock, hiphop
playing instruments around a campfire
non-gmo foods/ food security
Black Panthers and Japanese-American history
gender & racial equality
nature & camping
survival & foraging skills
paranormal theories
all theories, any theories
dream studies / lucid dreaming
Near Death Experiences
Noir films
handwriting analysis
alpine climbing / mountaineering
mountain biking
coffee and chocolate