Friday, November 22, 2013

Dec 7 - put it on your calendar

Hello internet friends,

If you are in the Los Angeles area, I strongly suggest you come out to Bergamot Station on Saturday, Dec 7.

I'm teaming up with a great organization called ReDiscover. We'll be hosting an art workshop for the kids (of any ages, that means grandma too) from 4 - 6pm. It will be the first time they've had live art in the gallery!

I'll be showing a lot of art that has never been exhibited in LA before. There are 100 tiles that tell a story in narrative form. I will also be showing my collection of headdresses that  have been donned at TEDtv conference in Scotland, on the front page of itunes, and on stage all over the US, in the UK, Russia, and Paris. On the wall will be photographs and sketches that show the process of building the headdresses.

Musical guest is Elizaveta, also known for her fantastic headdresses (hehe). You can read more about her rockstar music at the bottom or at her webpage.


Additional information:

reDiscover promotes resource conservation, creativity, and community engagement through material reuse.
reDiscover recycles everyday discards donated by business and gives them new purpose as hands-on learning materials.
reDiscover is a community art center, reuse warehouse, gallery and event space.
12958 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90066
(310) 393-3636

 i102fly, alias of artist Missy Washington, represents exploration to all corners of the earth, documentation, and stories. Washington works creatively in a number of disciplines - drawing, illustration, photography, map-making, sculpture and costume design. She carries a sketchbook wherever she goes and has a strong interest in the seen as well as the unseen.

Washington works with reDiscover as an instructor for their summer programming. She loves working with children, joining them in the endless world of the imagination while helping to instill environmental and social values that will make the world a better place in the future.

Exhibited at EarthWe will be a series of 100 hand cast and painted ceramic tiles, and in the vein of found object art, a collection of headpieces and wearable architecture made largely from used materials. Many of the pieces have been featured in photo shoots and live performances by Elizaveta.

Elizaveta is a critically acclaimed singer, pianist, and composer. Trained in opera and composition, her work melds pop and electronica with classical prowess. Her debut album Beatrix Runs is out on Universal Republic Records (US). Her follow up album, Hero is set to release in spring of 2014.

EarthWE is on track to become the prime event destination where non-profit organizations and those motivated to champion change intersect.

It’s a community where people wanting to create a better world can unite, share and make a difference in the lives of people who need help most by supporting any of the EarthWE100 organizations and social causes showcased weekly at our Bergamot Stattion gallery.
Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404


Jessica E. said...

BAAAAaaa I wish I could go, but I live in NYC. I love your headdresses. I found you through Elizaeta! Both in one place without me, boooo

Liz said...

omg crongrats!!

Caleb said...

True Talent ! Can't wait to see the show. Keep up the great work mis !

Laura said...

Hi Missy, I saw some of your work with Elizaveta :) You're so amazing and inspiring. I can't wait to see your show !! OMG

Elva Radcliffe said...

wish I was in los angeles to see it... : ( bring it to the UK : )

David and Susan Colston said...

We loved the show! Congrats. We happened to just be walking through Bergamot and caught the beginning and loved your work. David picked up a card, so we've found you here. We are looking forward to seeing more in the future!