Flight plans and maps. Charted destination: the desert no San Luis Obispo or Santa Maria no San Luis. Kind of amazed how easy it is to switch up the route as we sit here on the couch in the Van Nuys Airport office a gigantic tub of pretzels passed between us.
The plane is finally ready. Olga supervises the checks. Pol fills out the paper work. We cuddle up in the cockpit...
.. all 2 square feet of it.
me super excited to take off.
My first time in a cessna and I have to say it was pretty intense when we took off. I got real butterflies as we rattled this tiny thing down the runway, the end of the airport fast approaching and this itty little box starting to hover off the ground. And as we ascended the first hundred feet or so, it felt like we could drop off any second.
...in flight
...cockpit group photo.
Relaxing and doing no work back there, while the pilots drop us down into Santa Maria.
This is a climbing location that I frequent from the sky! Stoney Point. This will tell you all you need to know about this legendary location.
Highlight as we come in high - Olga says, "Don't worry these things drop like a sack of potatoes!" Great confidence as we come down for the landing.
So where are we going next?